Monday, June 4, 2012

In the beginning...

Today we begin our journey to become a healthier (and happier?) family. None of us are dying soon that we are aware, but we are certainly on our own individualized slow paths of destruction.  I have Type 2 Diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides and increasingly poor circulation. My DH has numerous food and environmental allergies and high blood pressure...we're both in great need of shedding our two youngest children's combined body weights and we're READY to make a change.  I will turn 50 this summer and I hope to feel/look/function much better by then!

In addition to our needing to lose weight, we truly want to rescue or children from the processed jungle commonly called the standard American diet. It's mainly our fault for introducing them to "frankenfoods" in the first place... full of artificial ingredients that we can't pronounce and a longer ingredient list than should be allowed on the side of a box.  I am vowing to get back to basics and make the bulk, if not all, of our food the old fashioned my kitchen!

As far as the hubby and I are concerned, we are beginning the Six Week Plan (or maybe longer) outlined in Dr. Joel Fuhrman's, Eat To Live.  I would LOVE for him to be my personal physician. Basically, his plan is what I have believed in for quite some time...about 95% low-fat vegan, about 50-70% raw.  The kiddos all currently subscribe to varying schools of thought on diet.  I have 8 children...2 girls and 6 boys, ranging in age from 4 to 22. Our family is a real sociological experiment in the works! 1 of our children is vegan, 1 is lacto-ovo vegetarian, 2 eat mainly chicken and eggs as protein, but doesn't use dairy, 1 eats mainly chicken and eggs as protein, but does eat dairy, 1 likes meat a lot and a lot of it, 1 eats a pretty normal, well-rounded diet and the last lives off of a no veggie, soda-laden, fried food junk diet.  

Where do I start? Well, first I'll work on getting all the processed junk out of the house and begin making more food staples and meals at home, then I'll work on them going veg. First order of business? Get rid of the junk in the house!

Wish us luck!

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